
  St James Church, Woburn Rd.  Sunday 1 December  3.00pm 2024

  Conductor: Mark Carter

     Our conductor Mark Carter introduces the first pieces... 


...Verdi's Overture to "Nabucco" followed by the atmospheric "Journey of the Magi"
composed by our orchestra member Nicola Kirkup.


A view of the brass and woodwind players .....

 brass view

Our soloist for this concert was Rose Aldridge, who delighted the audience with arias from
Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro" and Bizet's "Carmen"




An additional item in the concert was a stunning trumpet performance. 
Here the trumpeter is seen warming up outside. 


Here the orchestra members are shown in their festive colours as they played the Proms Favourites including the "Fantasia on British Sea Songs" and Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance March".


The full house was able to enjoy singing along to Christmas Carols and "Jerusalem". 

full house.

.... and a final view of our soloist singing "Rule Britannia".

rule britannia.
