Sponsors and Links


Hutt City logo   The Hutt City Council is our long standing
   and  much appreciated sponsor.
Pelorus trust Hutt City Creative Communities NZ funded moving the Steinway piano for our "Afternoon in Europe" Concert in November 2020.
Pelorus trust   Pelorus Trust  supplied grants in 2022 for new orchestral folders and towards the Symphony Workshop Weekend.
Image result for four winds foundation logo Four Winds Foundation supplied a grant in 2019 towards the purchase of acoustic shields.


From the winding up of the Little Theatre Piano Trust in 2018, the orchestra was granted $1111.72 for our role in bringing music to the community.

The orchestra is grateful to Adriana Memelink, a violinist for many years in our orchestra, and very active as an artistic and creative person in Lower Hutt, who left us a bequest in 2016.


Posters: Glenna Matcham of Jumbletree designs our posters. They all bring us memories so we have a page with a viewer to let you step back to concerts past.